So that’s it in a nutshell. Humans suck, but there’s still hope for us, we can be saved, we just need shock therapy and to get with the program already. After you’ve watched a few Evangelion movies it’s hard to be shocked by the notion anymore. Besides, this all fits in neatly with left-wing academic thought of long standing, whereby modern progress is destroying Gaea, humanity must radically change to embrace the planet and renounce, if not all modernity, then certainly excessive wealth and production, and just in general, humans need to suck less, cooperate to settle their differences and then… maybe… in spite of our previous unworthiness, we can find Nirvana, perhaps right here on this planet. Or, at least make the vulgar world more livable in the meantime. I don’t necessarily subscribe to all this in a blind smattering of huge, but that’s not the point. The insanity in AKIRA is not a bug; it is a feature of a much older philosophy that shaped Japan through the centuries. If the movie is hard to understand, it’s nothing against the intelligence of the viewer; it’s simply not having been exposed sufficiently to a particular world-view and its accompanying intellectual argument. So yeah, in my case, watching more anime (and reading a little) made me “get” it.
]]>“Hanashi” is the root for the verb “hanasu” (話す、はなす), or “to talk”. Hanashi is “a” talk, more specifically. It is speech; it can also be taken as conversation, though we’d use “kaiwa” for conversation per se, and “soudan” for a discussion per se.
“Hanashi ga aru” can be read as “I have a talk (to have with you)“. In something that resembles English, this is very much like “We need to talk.” There’s an unspoken emphasis behind this; as in, we need to talk, now. You can also legitimately read this as “I need to talk to you.” In this case, there’s an implication of “to you, in private“.
The example that prompted me to write comes from the Valkyria Chronicles anime. I played the first game on PS3 in Japanese and loved it; the anime diverges quite a bit in places, some good things and some not, but it’s very pretty. One of the divergences is that the two main characters become part of a budding love triangle involving the leading male’s best friend going after the leading female.
After a lot of awkwardness, and the girl (Alicia) moping over it, she suddenly realizes that this is way too much thinking for her and she needs to make things clear. So, she storms over to the guy (Welkin), invading his office, and demanding a talk with him:
“Welkin!! Chotto hanashi ga aru n da kedo…”
The other words that modify and alter the tone of the phrase are as follows:
Chotto: This actually has kanji, though you’ll probably never see it in normal use; literally it’s a tenth of a small unit of measurement. In practice, it stands for “a bit” or “a little bit”. So a “chotto hanashi” is a wee little talk. This is slight verbal understatement (with a loud voice mind you).
N da: This is a softened version of “no da”, which would be a plain form of “no desu”. In other words, it’s a sort of middle point between really formal and really informal/ rude. It’s a pretty neutral in that sense.
Kedo: This is like a verbal ellipsis, like “ka” is a verbal question mark and “tte” is like verbal quotation marks. It’s a softener expressing something like “but”… <- just like these three dots. In other words, not literally “but” so much as making it come across less as an order. (Alicia is an NCO and Welkin is her officer, see.)
So, in toto, the most harmonized way to deal with it is “We need to have a little talk…” The grammar includes the three dots, but this would be very delicate to voice act with perfection. The bias would have to lean towards the strong tone. – J
I have solemnly come to crash this wedding.
At the end of a recent anime (High School DxD), a forced wedding is being crashed by the above youth (with the fancy gauntlet). He couldn’t accept being defeated and seeing the lady he served carried off in a wedding she didn’t want. That, of course, is because the bridegroom is a complete jerk.
The elements in this sentence are:
Yakusoku (約束、やくそく): A promise. While anime presents promises as having almost supernatural power, and sometimes not “almost”, let’s put this in context: trust is extremely important to Japanese society because people want to know a friend, a business partner, a longtime client, etc., will not betray them. Betrayal is very painful and deeply frowned on… but it happens. It’s part of why trust is so emphasized.
Mamori ni (守りに、まもりに): From “mamoru”, usually “to protect” or “to guard”, but it gets translated as “to obey” too because “rule o mamoru” is to follow the rules. In fact, I’d prefer “follow” there, but “obey the rules” does work. The “ni” works as a “to” here. We’ll get back to that in a sec.
Kimashita (来ました、きました): Polite past form of “kuru,” to come. If you haven’t learned verbs yet this can be hard, but otherwise is very simple grammatically.
The total package therefore is:
(I’ve) come to keep my promise!
In other words, you didn’t see an I or a have in that sentence, but they’re implied strongly and, well, what else could it mean?
Also you can see that “mamori ni” is interpreted as “to keep” because that’s our habitual situation in English. You keep your promises in English. You “mamoru” them in Japanese. – J
]]>“Sakura” (cherry blossom) is a word many people know well. Sakura viewing is “hanami” (花見、はなみ), or lit. flower viewing. Outside of a weather context, “zensen” (前線、ぜんせん) would mean “front” in the sense of WWII’s Eastern Front or Western Front in Europe, but here it means weather front.
The reason for using “zensen” here is because cherry blossoms do not bloom across the entire country at the same time. The “cherry blossom front” moves northward over time as warmer weather hits different parts of Japan. That’s why the information follows normal weather reports during early spring.
I learned the term from this site but you can find a 2012 sakura front prediction (i.e. a schedule) at this link here. I would care to point out that if you’re looking for Japanese tutoring, you can always just ask me, too. Not for absolute free, mind you, but Skype lessons mean instant feedback and help. – J
]]>Actually, this is a crossover with Nobunaga’s Ambition, a venerable wargame series out of Japan, but that’s niche stuff. The kind of niche I’m into, mind you. The people are similar, though: it’ll be Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, Oichi, Takeda Shingen… with pokemon. Holy cow.
Anyway, it’s a crossover I never expected to see. The famous generals, along with Oichi who never took a battlefield in her not-so-charmed life in real life (I think), will be shown in a more anime-like vibe as shown in the picture above. For a much larger one, you’ll need to go to the Japanese website. Apparently Oichi will be the first personage figured in a series of short manga stories that will run six volumes long. That’ll be a webcomic starting on the 16th of this month (March) according to what I read on that site.
I’ve played Pokemon games in the ancient past, but I’d long lost track of the franchise. (I also never came close to finishing the first.) Tossing in famous warlords is a new spin on this and might make it very amusing indeed. I might even want to play such a thing. Time will tell, but this is one of those crazy things you don’t see every day. – J
]]>The word jitsu stands for reality and truth, often as part of the word shinjitsu (objective truth, an intangible thing). The word jutsu stands mostly for technique, in the sense of an art, a method, or even a spell. The words majutsu (for magic) and ninjutsu (for ninja arts/ techniques) are two examples.
I was glancing at a fan-translated chapter of Naruto (which I once read a decent amount to find out what I was missing, and then stopped for a while) and noticed “ninjitsu” being used. This isn’t a proper romanization. I realize a lot of people don’t really care; pronunciation has long gone the route of “ninjitsu”, even if it’s technically wrong. Make no bones about it: it is technically wrong. You wouldn’t know that if not for other words using the term jutsu, though.
Majutsu is a catch-all term for black magic. Houjutsu is, outside an RPG context (where the same pronunciation applies to white magic/ priest magic), a word for gunnery, as in, the huge cannons on battleships. Ijutsu is the practice of medicine/ healing arts. Renkinjutsu is alchemy, like in Fullmetal Alchemist. Kyuujutsu is Japanese archery (the Art of the Bow). Kenjutsu is Japanese fencing (the Art of the Sword). Finally, the broad term gijutsu means “technology”, a combination of “skill” and “art”. To a lot of people, there’s more than a little incomprehensible “magic” that rests in technology, too.
If you’re just reading ninja stories, it probably won’t matter much. It’s only if you want to get into other cool Japanese things that you want to have some consistency and understand a little of the why re: why stuff’s called such-and-such. – J
]]>There are actually two distinct uses for sorosoro (そろそろ). The first is as an adverb representing softly, leisurely, gently, gradually, etc. The second is the one to really watch out for: that something will be done soon, in the near future, even if it has taken some time to get there.
In the first case, you could have a sentence like this:
そろそろ寝るね. (sorosoro neru ne.)
Neru = to sleep (dictionary form)
The “ne” at the end is a friendly, reflective copula.
“I’m going to sleep soon.”
This is the translation that the site I got the sentence from uses, but it’s not the only option. We could also easily use:
“About time I got some sleep, huh.”
The “huh” at the end isn’t strictly necessary, but the “ne” is used to adjust the tone in the original. I’d just keep in mind what kind of speaking style and tone the original speaker is supposed to have. This is simple enough with manga, novels, movies, anime, etc.
Now, when used more like a noun, “sorosoro” is used in one type of circumstance: time has gradually moved forward to get close to the proper time for X.
If a military commander of some sort was overseeing an operation, looking for the right time to unleash his secret weapon, he could use 「そろそろだ。」 (sorosoro da) to indicate to his top aide that it’s just about time to strike. That is, perhaps not this second – or he’d say 「今だ!」 (ima da!) (ima = right now) instead – but the time will be very soon.
If an ordinary girl or woman is out shopping with you and checks her watch and says 「もうそろそろ」(mou sorosoro), she’s indicating that it’s already (“mou”) just about time for something unspecified, but in this context, it’s well implied that the woman needs to quit with the shopping and get home. In other words, time snuck up on her; a great deal of time has already elapsed. She’s close to outright late.
Of course, she might actually be totally late, but we don’t know that. The wording is vague enough to provide a polite way to disengage from the activity and is usually accepted as such in good grace.
「そろそろを英語に訳すと」(sorosoro o eigo ni yakusu to)
In this case, “o” (using “wo” in kana but always pronounced simply “o”) indicates a descriptive connection between the “sorosoro” and the verb. The “ni” indicates a modifier to the verb. “Eigo” is English. “Yakusu” is for to translate (dictionary form). The “to” that ends the sentence has an eerie resemblance to the English “to” here, really. Therefore:
“To gradually translate into English”
Having done a lot of translation, I can vouch for not rushing and letting things take a natural pace. Rushing is a bad, bad idea unless you really know the subject matter, and even then it’s not a good plan. – J
I haven’t done one of these in a while because it’s hard to get used to the “train of consciousness” type of writing. In fact, I won’t really do that. I’ll break this up into little sections and make it easier to read that way.
I still find this to be a really good show. The best part is very much the interaction between girls, and now there’s a princess who looks like Sailor Moon wearing a middle school fuku to attract attention. She’s quite adorable, really. Being a crazy-good hacker adds to her charm, but she really wasn’t prepared to be borrowing Captain Marika’s pirate outfit (with a pleated skirt) in Episode 9.
Anyway, this show has teased certain things but we know that things will get a lot more “serious” in episodes to come. The pace is rather Goldilocks: not too frantic and not too slow. Of course some may disagree on that. The show also has a memory, like about Chiaki’s weakness for parfaits. (Then again, why would any self-respecting girl resist…?)
I made a little review of this on this blog, but just to reiterate: I liked this show more than I expected, but actually, what drew me in was a really zany Monster Hunter spoof, since I have played many of those games. As usual, I’m not quite the game fanatic some of my friends are, but still, it was interesting. Anyway, the show rose above cheap comedy and became more complex comedy with a lot of laughs, cheap and otherwise. It’s hard for me to watch a show about ordinary people in comedies, somehow. This bunch of weirdos makes it somehow pleasantly tolerable.
I’ve been expanding my reading material lately. One is a food blog called Just Hungry; the other is a fashion site called Tokyo Fashion. Both are about Japan’s food and fashion, of course. I have to say, my hardest translation jobs – at least, before finding broader, more thorough Japanese sources – were always: a) food; b) songs; c) songs about food, in ascending order of gratuitous work. (Mahoromatic manga, I mean you.)
There’s a lot not to like about the political situation in Japan. Recently we saw the sitting Prime Minister declare that no one bears individual responsibility for the Fukushima disaster. First, when everyone’s responsible, no one is. Second, the very idea that a single person should be a scapegoat for a powerful earthquake and subsequent tsunami is patently ridiculous. I know that’s not exactly what was being talked about, but really, it’s close enough.
I’m still not happy about finding out that all the (mostly) spent fuel rods stored in those reactor housings were there because environmentalists sabotaged every effort to find/ build a better place for them, greatly raising the possibility that if there was a disaster, it could get ridiculously out of hand.
There’s also the constant denial that they can do without any nuclear power at all and still have a reliable and functional economy. I appreciate the faith of the anti-nuclear crowd, but unless they’re willing to go back to an agrarian society with dirt-poor peasants, they need energy. Energy that doesn’t cost them internal organs would be good. This whole mess with Iran isn’t helping them at all, but if they don’t cooperate in shunning at least 20% of the oil they import from Iran, the United States has essentially promised to destroy their banks’ ability to do business with America and its ‘real’ allies. Not pleasant.
I shunned this show for a long time. Now that there’s a 2nd arc running, I can tolerate the apparently obligatory references to the first Gundam and the heretical idea that the “friend on the other side of the warring nations” would actually spare the protagonist’s life. Well, he did, or we wouldn’t have much of a show left.
Right now, this show is more than tolerable. I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth, people. I’ll see where it goes.
This show has to be some of the funniest stuff around right now… for a mecha show… oriented towards guys. Actually, I’m assuming it is; there’s certainly pretty boys stuck in there for show for someone. At any rate, the show isn’t afraid to get ridiculous… in a good way.
It’s only taken me over a decade to see this Original Video Animation (4 episodes). Well, at least the ending wasn’t complete suck. Better for the characters, but like was intended, it sure makes you wonder what side was right, whether any of the struggles really mattered… but, they mattered to the characters, so maybe that’s what counts. Anyway, not a bad show in the slightest, for as long as it lasted anyway.
I didn’t gravitate to this right away. I watched episode 8 (or was that 7? I can’t remember) then found a little of the manga to read to understand the basics of where this all came from, then watched episode 9 where a major plot point is dropped, and no, spoiling wouldn’t be a good thing here. I half-suspected the twist but I had no idea why anyone would go that route. Guess I’ll see. This is the kind of show that could have been a lot more annoying but doesn’t really feel that way.
I’m still stuck between jobs. Somehow I need to build contacts all over again and get some translation or tutoring work to fill a gap before my future job comes into being. It’s coming, things are just too darn slow. Establishing a company isn’t easy, apparently. I’m helping my father prepare for production where and how I can, but the gap is still really annoying for everyone involved. Even so, I love languages, so I’m going to have to do something about it. – J