Comments on: Culture Gap: Students Cleaning Toilets 日本と共に Fri, 24 Aug 2018 23:18:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: J Sensei Thu, 26 May 2011 19:11:04 +0000 That’s why this should never have been done under the table and behind the back of the principal. If it’s not an official policy and the parents don’t even know about it, the only way a student with an allergy would be excused is by winning a battle of wills with an adult (the teacher) unassisted by any independent authority.

A Japanese native I have come to know on Facebook for about a month now has kindly pointed out to me the missing details concerning Japanese school toilet cleaning practices. Apparently there are no custodians; teachers do the serious cleaning work, while students do what is within their capabilities and without using chemicals, precisely because everyone’s expected to do it, yet allergies could interfere with that. But it is not, as I saw one blogger claim, that their toilets go without being sanitized for 6 months at a time. (I was like, get real! Disease would have every single school shut down if it was like that.) Parents are invited to help clean the toilets and so on during semester breaks, along with students and teachers. Many do.

I’m trying to decide who would complain the most bitterly if this was tried in Canada or the US: students, teachers, or parents? I’m thinking parents, closely followed by teachers.

By: Fluidly Unsure Thu, 26 May 2011 19:04:34 +0000 Newspaper ink and chalk dust allergies do exist. Should a teacher be disciplined for having students read the stock market section or use a black board?

Is requiring a student with asthma to attend PE worse than not giving students a chance to exercise their bodies? Students can be excused from PE with a letter from a parent and physician.

By: Michael Bradish Wed, 25 May 2011 19:43:53 +0000 Like we say here, ” Your mama doesn’t work here, so clean up after yourself.”
