Lodoss – Together With Japan https://jp.learnoutlive.com 日本と共に Fri, 09 Nov 2018 10:32:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 48482484 A Short Tale of a Novel https://jp.learnoutlive.com/a-short-tale-of-a-novel/ Fri, 30 Dec 2011 12:24:46 +0000 https://jp.learnoutlive.com/?p=1297 Continue reading ]]> It had taken me many years, but I finally tracked down the first novel of the Record of Lodoss War novels. I’d seen the OVA years before and was a great fan of it for many reasons. It took a long time to gain the reading skill to comfortably read Japanese novels. This was on my lifetime “to do” list.

Without giving potential spoilers, the plot has certain differences from the anime, which is unsurprising. It also covers only up to the showdown with Karla the Grey Witch. There are things explained better, or at different places, as a novel should, but of course not all of this can “translate” to anime, which requires poignant visual images and numerous opportunities for excellent voice acting.

I found the novel to be quite interesting.
