So, It Was Interesting
Asobi ni Iku Yo (“We’re Coming Over To Have Fun”) has finished its run of 12 episodes. I have finally had a chance to see the end of the series and have some thoughts on it below.
There Be Spoilers Here
So, let’s get this out of the way: there’s a lot of alien catgirl zaniness in this show. There just is.
There, it’s said.
This kind of anime tends to follow a somewhat predictable feel that goes like this:
- Early episodes that are pure wackiness as new characters and concepts are introduced.
- Character centric middle episodes that advance the plot while continuing a lot of the humor and zaniness while adding new twists.
- A sudden turn towards seriousness in a late episode.
- A focus on the “Serious Plot” of the show that involves overcoming a great crisis.
- A resolution that leaves room for a sequel, avoiding the great disaster, but somehow leaving things changed, even if one might say it is for the better.
And so it is here.
There’s not really any need to spoil the plot of the late episodes. The plot is so tight with so much happening on a tight time schedule that in some senses, a person could have skipped the entire series up to that point and just hang on for the ride and still “get it” to a large degree… but it’s better if you have some interest invested in the two minor female leads, Aoi and Manami, and their romantic frustrations and desires, which get a nice resolution made possible by the joys of fiction.
Incidentally, the core characters are actually all very nice people. Except for people who are so turned off by the inclusion of girls with unrealistically generous proportions (mainly the title character and a couple of members of her mothership’s crew, including the captain) that they can’t appreciate the humor and pure fun of the show, I’d strongly recommend this, with that caveat of course.
The HD production values are quite impressive, so by all means, take advantage of the opportunity to see something fun like this if it at all suits your interests.
About J Sensei
Blogger, writer, linguist, former Japanese> English translator, rusty in French, experienced in Japanese, fluent English native. Writing for Technorati.com and various blogs. Skype: jeremiah.bourque (messages always welcome). E-mail:
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