So, The Big Question

Let’s get to the big question everyone hearing about this show is asking: Is this anime full, outright hentai??? No, not exactly, but it is the single biggest tease on earth. It shows glimpses of things that can’t be broadcast in Japan, existing safely (?) within the dirty imaginations of major characters for brief moments of time, but it’s a huge, huge tease.
So, an actual show happened, too, and I’ll get to that briefly after the spoiler space.
So our basic plot here is that Haruka (“Haru”), our main character, spends a lot of time around Kazuha, learning that Akira really is her big sister, with nothing ecchi going on between them (with Kazuha castigating him for getting strange ideas). Now, in his defense, it did sound like something like a hentai anime (leading to a very explicit seeming imaginary scene lasting a few seconds, which is the source of the “is this hentai?!?!” pictures roaming around, giving this anime massive free publicity).
So, Akira got kicked out of Kazuha’s wealthy family so Kazuha is doing everything she can to relieve the burden the girl carries, even just a little. Completely pure thought here.
So anyway, spending a lot of time around Kazuha ends with Haru going on a long afternoon date with her, ending up leaving both Akira and Sora feeling jilted and getting to share each other’s misery briefly (Sora gets treated to ice cream). This ends with Haru and Kazuha kissing passionately (“even though I didn’t mean for this to happen” – Kazuha).
At the end of the episode, Akira falls on her own, and that cat that seems eternally perched on top of her head when she’s in Miko Mode, jumps off. She wonders if maybe she’s… overworked? Bad omen, and we’ll surely see what else is going on here next time.
Rating: 4 of 5, I’ll say. I mean, it remains fun to watch, but I can’t give everything 5, even with those absolutely hilarious skits at the end (much in SD), and if I see anything better, I need room to give that a 5. But it has been by no means a weak show.
That is, by the way, despite being, and I repeat myself, the biggest tease around. It’s like a giant scam to suck people in… but at any rate, teasing is fine, and the high quality surrounding the art, voice acting, story plotting, and well… let me put it this way, I haven’t seen Whack-A-Mole done as fun as in this show, ever. I enjoyed this.
Just don’t get any wrong ideas. Or put another way, if you’re looking for hentai, don’t expect payoff from this anime, hentai-san. It’s just teasing.
…So far, anyway. Shall we predict bonus episodes for the BD/DVD going way over the top? Anyone?
About J Sensei
Blogger, writer, linguist, former Japanese> English translator, rusty in French, experienced in Japanese, fluent English native. Writing for and various blogs. Skype: jeremiah.bourque (messages always welcome). E-mail:
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